Art Programs

The library provides a variety of art and crafting programs every month including lessons, workshops, and activities. Please visit our event calendar to browse this month’s offerings.


A pencil
Drawing Classes
The library provides lessons on elementary drawing skills. Please visit the event calendar to register for classes.

Lessons Include:

  • Fundamentals of Drawing
  • Still Life Drawing and Composition
  • Drawing the Face
  • Drawing Motion
  • Drawing Comic Art
  • Drawing Facial Expressions
  • Comic Composition
Knitting and Crocheting Basics
Do you want to learn how to knit or crochet? Join us for a beginner’s class with volunteer Flora Bacchues. Please bring a skein of yarn and a set of size 8 knitting needles and/or an H or I crochet hook. This program is free and open to adults. Advance phone or online registration is required.

Check the calendar for future dates.

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