Library Board of Trustees

Library Board of Trustees


Terri Schechter
Jane Crocker


Anthony DellaPia
Mayor (Statutory Appointment)
Salvatore Coppola
Mayor Alternate
Eric Hibbs
Superintendent of Schools (Statutory Appointment)
Melissa Barnett
Superintendent’s Alternative
Lisa Bertolini
Vicky Binetti
Dr. Whitney Huston
Frank Indriso
Catherine J. Matos


Donald Brown, Jr.
Township Liaison
Sheila Mikkelson
Library Director

General Information

Trustees are appointed to the library board by the township mayor per NJ state law. In compliance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, advance notice of the Board Meetings of the Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library of the Township of Washington have been published in the South Jersey Times and The Sentinel. All board meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 5 PM with some exceptions due to holidays. Meetings are held in the adult meeting room at the library. Meeting dates, times, and locations are subject to change. Notices of meetings are placed on the library website and social media. An Executive Session, which is closed to the public, may be called at any meeting. There are nine trustees and a quorum of five is needed for a meeting to be convened.

Public comment will be accepted at the conclusion of regular board business in accordance with the board meeting agenda. Members of the public intending to make comment to the board must first identify themselves by stating their full name and home address. All speakers participating in the public comment section agree to adhere to a five-minute time limit. If any member of the public is determined to be disruptive, the board reserves the right to terminate their public comment prior to the end of the time allotment. This will include audio being placed on mute if meeting attendance is virtual.

Library Board Meeting Minutes


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